AMASS Overview
nonresident file
A nonresident file is a file whose contents have been migrated to a storage device. The file is nonresident on the client’s machine but DataMgr leaves behind a stub file.
Types of optical platters are described below:
•MO (Magneto Optical) is rewritable optical. It uses both magnets and lasers to write and read data on a plastic disc having a magnetic layer. Data is written when the laser beam heats bits on the disc’s magnetic layer that are then magnetically polarized by the drive’s magnet.
•Ablative™ is an IBM term for the technology used to make WORM media. Lasers burn the write into the media thus ensuring that the media is
•CCW (Continuous Composite Writes) use the erasable (MO) method to write files onto a disc but then locks the files to the media with software.
•LIMDOW (Light Intensity Modulation Direct OverWrite) speeds up the process of writing to MO discs. LIMDOW discs have one memory layer instead of two and consequently require only one pass to write instead of two.
Offline Media Manager
If media has been removed from a library, Offline Media Manager, an optional feature on AMASS that allows you to access the offline media. When a file is accessed on offline media, a prompt asks the operator to load the correct volume into a drive so the request can be satisfied.
Redundant Array of Independent Disks. Technique for using a group of disk drives to improve performance, data availability, or both.
resident file
All files before they are migrated by DataMgr are resident files.
Remote Procedure Call. Process that supplies a program a set of procedures that can be called remotely.
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