AMASS Overview
The Virtual Block Server is an AMASS component that emulates a hard disk drive that maps an infinitely large block of space on to physical libraries, drives, and media. Use the GUI to monitor the Virtual Block Server.
Equivalent to media. See also media.
•offline = Media that does not reside in a library. Although AMASS assigned this media a unique volume number and there is an entry for it in the AMASS database, the media may be stored in a vault or on a shelf.
•online = Media residing in a library. AMASS assigned this media a unique volume number and there is an entry for it in the AMASS database.
•inactive = AMASS cannot read or write to this volume.
volume group
Media assigned to a group with AMASS for a specific purpose, such as projects or departments. Volume groups include:
•Numerical group
•Space pool
•Cleaning group
volume number
A unique number assigned by AMASS (UNIX) to each piece of media when an entry is created in the File System Database for the media.
Manages media and volumes contained within both automated and manual libraries.
Windows NT™
An operating system with two
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