!Boot ROM version 14.02.00

!Platform: NetVanta 6355, part number 1200740E1

!Serial number H15F6449


hostname "NV1355"

enable password encrypted 28207f837283dac7c60316194a65e4b3d52a


clock timezone -5-Eastern-Time


ip subnet-zero ip classless ip routing


ip domain-name "domain.com"

This should be the domain name relative to the business ip domain-proxy

ip name-server This should be the DNS server


no auto-config


event-history on

no logging forwarding no logging email


service password-encryption


username "admin" password encrypted "2720aa4ceca5b57915c1839aa58a7da49d2f" username "polycomftp" password encrypted "4048e1bf5bde64becb908f2203161619f745"


banner motd #


Web username/password is configured to admin/password.

Enable and Telnet passwords are configured to "password".

Please change them immediately.

The VLAN 1 interface is enabled with an address of Telnet/SSH access is also enabled.




ip firewall

no ip firewall alg msn no ip firewall alg h323


no dot11ap access-point-control


vlan 1

name "Default"



interface eth 0/0

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Image 3
ADTRAN A2.03 manual