PCM-3362 User Manual 78
; cl= n ; n means which group of GPIO you want to set
; bl= the n group of gpio config
; bit 0 = gpio 0 , 0 => output pin; 1 => input pin
; bit 1 = gpio 1 , 0 => output pin; 1 => input pin
; .....
; bit 7 = gpio 7 , 0 => output pin; 1 => input pin
; output:
; ax=5E78 ;function success, other value means function fail
mov ax,5E87h
mov bx,02AAh
mov cl,01
; Set GPIO 0,2,4,6 as output, GPI 1,3,5,7 as input
; Get GPIO status
; Input:
; ax=5E87h
; bh=03h
; cl= n ; n means which group of GPIO you want to get
; output:
; ax=5E78 ;function success, other value means function fail
; bl= the n group of gpio status
; bit 0 = gpio 0 , 0 => Low; 1 => High
; bit 1 = gpio 1 , 0 => Low; 1 => High
; .....
; bit 7 = gpio 7 , 0 => Low; 1 => High
mov ax,5E87h
mov bh,03h
mov cl,01h
; You will get GPIO value from bl
; Set GPIO status
; Input:
; ax=5E87h
; bh=04h
; cl= n ; n means which group of GPIO you want to set
; bl= the n group of gpio status
; bit 0 = gpio 0 , 0 => Low; 1 => High