1.The wire coloured green and yellow must be connected to the termi- nal marked with the letter ãEÒ or by the earth symbol or coloured green and yellow.
2.The wire coloured blue must be connected to the terminal ãNÒ or coloured black.
3.The wire coloured brown must be connected to the terminal marked ãLÒ or coloured red.
4.Upon completion there must be not cut, or stray strands of wire pre- sent and the cord clamp must be secure over the outer sheat. Warning! A
Starting up and temperature regulation
0 Insert the plug of the connection lead into the plug socket with pro- tective earth contact. When the refrigerator compartment door is ope- ned, the internal lighting is switched on. The temperature selector knob is located on the RH side of the refrigerator compartment.
Setting ã0Ò means: Off.
Setting ã1Ò means: Hightest temperature, (warmest setting).
Setting ã6Ò
However, the exact setting should be chosen keeping in the mind that the temperature inside the refrigerator depends on:
The temperatures in the refrigerator compartment and freezer co part- ment cannot be independently regulated.
If you want the freeze fresh food rapidly, select setting ã6Ò, ensuring that the temperature in the refrigerator compartment does not drop blow 0¡C. You should also promptly reset the temperature regulator to setting ã3Ò or ã4Ò.
High ambient temperatures (e.g. on hot summer days) and a cold set- ting on the temperature regulator (position"5" to "6") can cause the compressor to run continuously.
If this happens, turn the temperature regulator back to a warmer set- ting (position "3" to "4"). At this setting the compressor will be switched on and off as usual and automatic defrosting recommenced.