26 Programme informations
Programme informations
The washing program for white cottons. This program
eliminates the micro-organisms thanks to the washing by 60°C
and an additional rinse. So that this action is more effective,
place into the compartment marked with blue arrow a special
additive "Hygiene" and select the option STAIN.
40-60 MIX
Special programme for white and coloured cotton suitable
for different washing temperatures. This programme can be
used for laundry, which should be washed at 40°C or 60°C
separately. So, you can put into the drum the maximum
load capacity in order to save energy and water. You will
obtain the same good washing result as a normal
programme at 60°C.
With this programme it is possible to wash items like pants,
shirts or jackets in Jeans and also jersey realized with hi-tech
materials. (The EXTRA RINSE option will be activated
Selecting this programme the laundry is gently washed
and spun to avoid any creasing. In this way ironing is
easier. Furthermore the machine will perform additional
DUVETS Washing programme for a single synthetic blanket,
bedspread etc. The washing temperature is 30°C and 40°C.
Washing programme for machine washable wool as well as
for hand washable woollens and delicate fabrics with the
“hand washing” care symbol .
LINGERIE This programme is suitable for very delicate items, as lingerie,
bras and underwear etc.
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