operating stag has been reached (pos. 7 p. 3). In case anything different occurs, please follow the instructions in Chapters 6.2 / 6.3.

Please shut down the entire system if you cannot i solve any problems which occur. Please contact

our hotline (see page 4).

5.When the LINE MODE display is lit, switch on your loads one after the other. Note the maximum permitted UPS load when doing this (pos. 9 fig. p. 42).

In particular, bear in mind the considerable power consumption of loads such as laser printers, large CRT monitors and the like which can quickly lead to a UPS overload.


To reconfigure the internal UPS setup options, follow the procedure as below:

1.Press the Configure button more than three seconds. Then UPS will transfer from configure mode to “output voltage mode” showing the value by a flashing LED at 220 Vac, 230 Vac or 240 Vac.

2.Press the Configure button more than one second, the UPS allows you to select the “output voltage mode” one by one.

3.After selecting the mode, press the Enter button more than three seconds, the “output voltage mode” is configured.

4.UPS will automatically transfer from configure mode to “operating mode” displayed by a flashing LED beside NORMAL, GENERATOR or WIDE RANGE.

5.Press the Configure button more than one second; the UPS will allow you to select the “operating mode” one by one.