Commands Unavailable in Jitter Mode
Memory Display
Waveform memories cannot be turned on in Jitter mode. The following command produces a
"Settings conflict" error when executed in Jitter mode.
WMEMory<N>:DISPlay 26-2
Waveform and
Color Grade-Gray
Scale Memory
The Waveform and Color Grade/Gray Scale memories cannot be turned on in Jitter mode. The
following command produces an "Illegal parameter value" error when executed in Jitter
VIEW 4-15
When used with arguments other than JDMemory.
Timebase Scale
And Delay
Scale and position controls on the Horizontal setup dialog are disabled in Jitter Mode. The fol-
lowing commands produce a "Settings conflict" error when executed in Jitter Mode:
TIMebase:RANGe 23-4
TIMebase:SCALe 23-5
TIMebase:POSition 23-2
Channel Scale
And Offset
Channel scale and offset controls are disabled in Jitter mode. The following commands pro-
duce a "Settings conflict" error when executed in Jitter Mode.
CHANnel<N>:OFFSet 8-4
CHANnel<N>:RANGe 8-5
CHANnel<N>:SCALe 8-6
Acquisition (Averaging) controls are disabled in Jitter mode. The following commands pro-
duce a "Settings conflict" error when executed in Jitter mode.
ACQuire:AVERage 6-2
ACQuire:BEST 6-2
ACQuire:POINts 6-3
Histograms Histograms are turned off when entering Jitter mode. The following commands produce a
"Control is set to default" error.
HISTogram:MODE 14-3
VIEW 4-15
Skewing of
All skew adjustments are disabled in jitter mode. The following commands produce a "Set-
tings conflict" error when executed in Jitter mode.
CALibrate:SKEW 7-9
CALibrate:SKEW:AUTO 7-10