POD 9 Header 9 16554/5/6/7
expander 2
card POD 1
16550 expander
card Pod 3
POD 10 Header 10 16554/5/6/7
card POD 2
16550 expander
card Pod 4
POD 11 Header 11 16554/5/6/7
card POD 3
16550 expander
card Pod 5
USER PINS PCI Active Analysis Probe Header 4 contains 8 User Defined
pins. These pins are available to the user to connect whatever
additional signals the users wishes to view along with the PCI
bus. These pins are located below POD 3 on the PCI Active
Analysis Probe module and clearly marked. These user pins
are available on the logic analyzer on POD 11 channels 15 thru
These pins may be used to connect the individual IDSEL signals
from other PCI slots or the bus grant signals from the PCI bus
arbitration logic.
The PCI Active Analysis Probe can be installed in any slot of the
PCI Local bus. The following steps explain how to install the PCI
Active Analysis Probe into the PCI Local bus.
Installing the PCI Active Analysis Probe 1. Install the logic analyzer cables as described in the
previous section.
2. Power off the PCI target. Align the PCI module with the
appropriate slot on the target system and plug the
module into the PCI connector. Power on the logic
analyzer and then power on the target.
If your PCI Local bus is 32 bits the upper portion of the edge
connector will not be inserted into any connector. This will not
affect the modules operation on a 32-bit PCI Local bus.