Acquiring Data Touch RUN and, as soon as there is activity on the bus, the logic
analyzer will begin to acquire data. The analyzer will continue to
acquire data and will display the data when the analyzer memory
is full, the trigger specification is TRUE or when you touch
The logic analyzer will flash “Slow or Missing Clock” when the
data is not being transmitted across the bus.
Captured data is as shown in the following figure. The below
figure displays the state listing after disassembly. The inverse
assembler is constructed so the mnemonic output closely
resembles the actual commands, status conditions, messages
and phases specified in the PCI Local Bus specification.
Symbols have also been defined to help aid in analysis. The
non-disassembled state listing displays PCI bus mnemonics in
addition to data. All data is displayed in hex. One exception is
the decode of the address for a CONFIGURATION READ or a
CONFIGURATION WRITE transaction. The Function (FUNC=)
and Bus (BUS=) data is displayed in decimal.
The State Display