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NoteOnly one configuration utility can be active at a time. When the ZCU is set
to be the active utility, opening the TI utilityby double-clicking on the utility
icon in the system tray or right-clicking the icon and selecting Openlaunches
the ZCU inserted of the TI utility.
Configure using
Windows Zero Config. External Configuration Checkbox (Windows XP
only): A checkbox that enables you to disable the
WLAN Station Configuration Utility and indicates
that the station driver is to be configured with
Windows XP’s built-in Zero Configuration Utility
On Windows XP systems, the ZCU service is
automatically stopped when the WLAN utility is
installed. The ZCU is started when you check the
Configure using Windows Zero Configuration
The checkbox is only displayed on Windows XP
Profile name The profile name that is currently connected.
SSID The SSID is the unique name shared among all points
in your wireless network.
The name must be identical for all devices and points
attempting to connect to the same network.
Indicates that the network does not require special
security settings and access rights in order to
connect to it (that is, you can connect to the
network by setting the station’s privacy mode to
None and authentication mode to None.)
Indicates that the network requires special security
settings and access rights in order to connect to it.
Indicates a hidden network which is not