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priority. If the station cannot connect using the first profile, the station tries to
connect using the next-highest profile, and so forth.
To move a profile up one spot in the Active Profiles list, select the profile by
clicking on it, and then click
To move a profile down one spot in the Active Profiles list, select the profile by
clicking on it, and then click
New Click New to create a new profile.
The new profile is inactive and is added to the Profiles Pool list.
Edit Click Edit to edit an exiting profile.
Delete Click Delete to delete the profile that is currently selected
in the Profile Manager tab. The following confirmation
dialog box is displayed
OK Click OK to save any changes to profiles and connection
settings, and then minimizes the utility to the Windows
system tray
Cancel Click Cancel to discard any changes to profiles and connection
settings, and then minimizes the utility to the Windows system
Apply Click Apply to save any changes to profiles and connection
Information Tab
The Information tab displays information maintained by the driver, such as the
number of packet errors and the total number of bytes received or transmitted. The