B - 3
12. Check that front passenger’s seat is locked in position - both fore and aft adjust-
ment and swivel mechanism.
13. The freedom of movement of the brake and accelerator pedals must not be
impaired in any way
14. Check rear view mirrors adjustment, inside and outside. Adjust curtains if neces-
sary for maximum visibility.
15. Secure children in a Federally Approved Child Restraint Device.
16. Fasten your lap belts.
In the forward driver’s area of the motorhome, safety seat belts are provided for the use
of the driver and the right front passenger. Safety belts are available for other seats.
It is strongly recommended that all occupants remain seated with their safety belts
firmly attached while the motorhome is in transit. The driver should adjust his seat so
that he is able to reach all controls easily with the belt on, especially able to use all the
travel on the foot brake. The belt should be placed as low as possible around the hips
to prevent sliding out from under them in case of accident. This places the load of the
body on the strong hipbone structure instead of around the soft abdominal area. Two
people should never try to use the same seat belt.
WARNING: Become familiar with and follow all directions, advice, and
warnings pertaining to seats, seat belt operation, and restraint systems, provided
in the Sprinter Operator’s Manual.
WARNING: Children must be secured in a Federally Approved Child
Restraint Device. Failure to use proper restraints while in transit can result in
severe or fatal injuries. Never place an infant seat that faces to the rear on the
front passenger seat. Never place an unbelted infant seat on the front pas-
senger seat.
Child restraint devices are designed to be secured with lap or lap/shoulder belts. All
instructions supplied by the restraint manufacturer must be followed. Statistics have
shown children are safer when properly restrained in a rear seating position than in a
front seating position.
Often the children traveling in motorhomes are grandchildren. There are times when
our love for grandchildren makes us hesitate to properly supervise their actions. Don’t
hesitate when it comes to their safety. Make sure they are properly restrained.
WARNING: Drinking or taking drugs and driving can be a very dangerous
combination. Even a small amount of alcohol or drugs can affect your reflexes,
perception, and judgment. The possibility of a serious or even fatal accident is
sharply increased when you drink or take drugs and drive. Never drink or take
drugs and drive or allow anyone to drive after drinking or taking drugs.