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Manufacturer: Canada:
Thetford Corporation Thetford Sanitation Ltd.
7101 Jackson Road 2710 Slough Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Mississauga, Ontario
313-769-6000 Canada, L4T 1G3
The RV toilet in your Airstream is a design that has been used for many years. In normal
use, when you are hooked up to city water, both pedals are depressed together. This
dumps the sewage and flushes fresh water down the side of the bowl. Water will
continue to run into the bowl for a short time after the pedals are released. When you
wish to conserve water hold the hand-spray head over the bowl and hold down the
thumb-operated lever. Now when you depress the pedal all the water is routed through
the hand-spray.
CAUTION: When you dump the bowl of the toilet make sure all paper and solids
have cleared the slide mechanism before you allow it to close. Failure to do so
can cause the groove for the slide to become jammed and the slide will no longer
close completely.
If the problem should occur, a small nail or bent clothes hanger can be used to “pick”
the material out of the groove.
PROBLEM: Water keeps running into bowl.
CAUSE: The blade in the bottom of the bowl is not closing completely, which in turn
keeps the water control valve partially open. The groove into which the blade seats
when completely closed is clogged with foreign material.
REMEDY- Insert the end of a coat hanger or similar object into the sealing groove and
remove the foreign material. Avoid damaging the rubber seal while cleaning.
PROBLEM: Toilet leaks. There is water on the floor. Specify the problem.
Determine if water is leaking from:
CAUSE: a. Vacuum breaker.
b. The water-control valve.
c. Bowl to mechanism seal. (If this is the problem, the water
would not stay in the bowl.)
d. Closet flange base seal.
REMEDY: a. The vacuum breaker. If the vacuum breaker leaks when
flushing the toilet, replace vacuum breaker.
b. If the vacuum breaker leaks when the toilet is not in operation,
replace the water control valve.
c. Leaks at the bowl to mechanism seal. Remove mechanism
and replace seal,
d. Leaks at closet flange area. Check front and rear closet flange
nuts for tightness. If leak continues remove the toilet, check
the closet flange height. The height should be between ¼“
and 7/16“ above the floor. Adjust closet flange height
accordingly and replace closet flange seal.