H - 12
The 110-volt system works very much like your home. When you’re plugged into city
power, or start your generator, power is supplied to the 110-volt circuit breakers. The
circuit breakers are located on the converter, accessed by opening the brown con-
verter door.
If a circuit is over loaded or a short circuit occurs, the breakers will “kick” out. To
reactivate the circuits, turn the breaker to off, reduce the load or correct the short, and
turn the breaker back to on.
As mentioned above, power can be supplied to the 110-volt system from two sources.
The shoreline power inlet and the generator. These two separate feed comes together
in the Automatic Switch over Box located under the roadside lounge.
The switch over box automatically switches the feed to the breakers from shoreline
to generator as your choose which way to power the motorhome. You simply decide
whether to plug into a 110-volt source or start the generator and the box will do the
rest. If the generator is accidentally started, the box will sense the generator, points will
switch cutting the shoreline connection, and establishing the generator connection.
This protects the system from a possible overload.
Generator/City Power
A. To 110-volt circuit breakers
B. To generator circuit
C. To city power
1. When plugged into city power, the
current path is from C to A.
2. When you start your generator and unplug from city power, the points switch and
the power flow is from B to A.
3. If you’re plugged into city and you start the generator, city power has the priority,
so the current flow is C to A.