Remote control
Buttons with the same or similar names with the main unit basically have the same function.
3The numbered buttons take on these functions when pressed together with SHIFT held down:
PROGRAMEnters programed CD playback mode.RANDOM/REPEATEnters random or repeat CD playback mode.TUNER MODESwitches between stereo or monaural FM reception.DISPLAY TIMERSLEEPEntersEnters AI Edit Recording or Programed Edit Recording mode when pressed during stop.
4CD DIRECTSelect a CD tray with the numbered button5SHIFT-) 7DECK 1/2Selects DECK 1 or 2 in Tape function.BANDSelects a band in Tuner function. aSETc/dThe function is the same as that of con the unit. f/r, g/tsCLEARFUNCTIONSwitches the active function among TAPE, TUNER,VIDEO/ AUX and CD.
Hold down when pressing a numbered button to change its function to that printed above the number.
e.g.)"Press SHIFT+SLEEP on the remote control" indicates"Hold down SHIFT and press '6' (SLEEP)", so that you En can use 'Sleep timer' function.
6REC MODEStarts recording with wREC/REC MUTE.wREC/REC MUTEStarts recording with REC MODE.PRESET (N, M)Performs the same functions as MULTI JOG on the unit. VOLUME (+,7