A Quick Tour of UniQuest For EWI 4000s
30 of 44 UniQuest for EWI 4000s
2.3 The Editor Controls in Closer Detail
Each of the Preset editor sections is made up of various controls such as toggle
switches, knobs and sliders. These are now explored in greater detail.
UniQuest’s knobs are rotary entry controls that are edited whenever the mouse is
clicked and dragged in a circular motion around the knob’s center. You can change
every knob’s entry mode to standard linear drag entry in UniQuest’s Preferences
dialog, under the Patch Edit tab. You can also reset any knob to it’s default value
by pressing Ctrl-Spacebar while hovering the mouse over it.
Knobs have real-time edit pop-up text and a direct entry mode, both of which are
covered below.
UniQuest’s sliders are linear entry controls that are edited whenever the mouse is
clicked and dragged vertically.You can reset any Slider to it’s default value by
pressing Ctrl-Spacebar while hovering the mouse over it.
Sliders have real-time edit pop-up text and a direct entry mode, both of which are
covered below.
Pop-Up Text for Knobs & Sliders
Whenever you edit a knob or slider, the current value will be shown in a pop-up text
string. If the parameter has been edited since its inital load you will also see an
asterisk (*) after the text.
Direct Entry Mode for Knobs & Sliders
Direct entry mode is activated for knobs and sliders when you right-click or
double-click on the control in Windows. On the Mac platform, direct entry mode is
activated with a Ctrl-Click on the desired control.
Direct entry mode is different between the Windows and Mac platforms. Here is the
direct entry mode for the OSC FILTER 1’s FREQ Slider on Windows XP:
On the Windows platform, direct entry mode allows you to select an exact value for
the parameter from a pop-up menu. The previous control selection is shown as
checked, and the currently selected option in the list is highlighted. Clicking on any
entry in the pop-up menu will replace the previous selection and close the pop-up.