A Quick Tour of UniQuest For EWI 4000s
38 of 44 UniQuest for EWI 4000s
The result of this Query is now shown:
You will see that there seem to be duplicate results in this query. A new Query can
be run on the results, set to remove these duplicates. This involves pressing the
button again and checking the ‘Duplicates’ option in the Query Dialog. Here is the
new result:
The ‘Duplicates’ option actually compares the data bytes of every preset and only
shows one copy of each duplicate found - A very useful tool when you are not sure
yourself. Please note that the library still contains the original number of presets.
Queries simply hide any presets that are not returned. To reset the library to show all
entries, simply click on the button.
From a single library window you can search the sounds you need by their name or
by the automatic keys UniQuest inserts in each library entry when it is entered. You
are also free to audition each patch by clicking on it, as well as mix, blend, morph
and Gen4 new banks from the currently selected patches.