A Quick Tour of UniQuest For EWI 4000s
UniQuest for EWI 4000s 39 of 44
2.9 Transferring Presets Between Windows
It is easy to transfer presets between any open editor window in UniQuest. In most
cases where the source is a bank window, you need only drag and drop the entry to
a new location such as another bank window, a library window (of the same type), a
collection window, or an open preset editor window.
When the source is an open preset editor window, a simple drag and drop operation
will not work, however. In this case, you must hold down the Alt key while clicking
(Alt-Click) the mouse on the open preset editor window. You may then release the
Alt key and continue to drag and drop the preset data to the destination as before.
2.10 The ‘Update Patch on Activate’ Option
When UniQuest for EWI 4000s is first installed, the Update Patch on Activate
option is enabled. This preference controls how the program communicates with
your EWI when multiple editor windows are open. Consider the following
There are four open windows in this illustration, and each one contains a different
preset for editing. Since the window containing the FAT SAW preset currently has
focus (is selected for editing), you should expect the EWI 4000s editing buffer to
contain this preset so that you could hear your sound edits as you work.
With Update Patch on Activate enabled, you can switch between each of these
four open windows and always be sure that the current window’s data is loaded into
the EWI 4000s because UniQuest will put the data to the instrument every time you
switch to a new window.
In the situation above, selecting the window that is editing the FAT SAW preset will
automatically put the preset into your EWI 4000s’ edit buffer. If you were then to
select the Collection window, the current selection in this window (SAW+5) would
replace FAT SAW in the EWI so that you could hear any changes you made within
the collection editor window. Similarly, if you then selected the Bank window for
editing, the current selection in this window (BRIGHT SYNTH) would replace
SAW+5 in the EWI 4000s’ editing buffer.
Since single preset data is quickly transferred between UniQuest and your EWI, the
Update Patch on Activate preference is best left enabled.