A Quick Tour of UniQuest For EWI 4000s
34 of 44 UniQuest for EWI 4000s
2.5 Automatic Patch Generation Tools
UniQuest also features four very powerful tools for creating new EWI 4000s presets
automatically. Simply select 2 or more existing presets in your current bank and
click on one of the following buttons:
The Mix button creates a new Bank of Presets by randomly picking param-
eters from 2 or more selected presets. The probability of the parameter coming from
each of the selected presets is equal. Each new preset is a random combination of
the selected presets.
The Blend button works exactly the same as Mix except that it combines
larger chunks of data from each preset thus maintaining more of their overall aural
The Morph button creates a new bank of presets from 2 source presets by
incrementally transposing the settings of the first preset through to the second pre-
set's settings. This function is ideal if you are trying to find a sound that is some-
where between two given presets.
The Gen4 button opens the Patch Generator 4 Dialog, and is active only
when you select 4 presets at the same time. The Patch Generator 4 Dialog creates a
bank of new presets by mixing the parameters of the four selected presets. The per-
centage of each preset is determined by the location of each of your mouse clicks, as
shown here:
In each case, an entirely new bank of presets is generated from the selected source
presets. You can quickly try out these new presets in your music by auditioning
them and keeping the ones you like.