If the access number for your operator’s voicemail service does not work, dial the number that you were given.Tochange this number at a later date, refer to “My numbers” (see page 29).
Touse your voicemail service from abroad, contact your network operator before leaving.
Muting the ringtone
Press the right softkey once while the telephone is ringing.Answer the call by pressing the /
Rejecting a call
Press the /
key once or the right softkey twice.
3.3Receiving a call
When you receive an incoming call, press the /
key to talk and then hang up using the
If the icon is displayed, the vibrator is activated and there is no ringtone. If the
icon is displayed, the phone neither rings nor vibrates.
If the flip is open (1)
- To pick up a call, press the key.
If the flip is closed (1)
-To pick up a call, open the flip (if clamshell open answer option is activated, see page 42).
The caller’s number is displayed if it is transmitted by the network (contact your network operator to check service availability).
3.4During the call
Available functions
During a call, you can use your directory, your diary, short messages, etc.
without losing your correspondent by pressing the | key. |
Call on hold
Ongoing call
WARNING: move the handset away from your ear while using the “handsfree” option because the amplified volume might cause hearing damage.
Services (1)
Sound recorder (record your current call).
Besides, you can switch the audio speech from handset to BT device when connected.
(1) | (1) | Contact your network operator to check service availability. | |
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