Access your voicemail (long keypress)
(1) | (2) | In Edit mode: |
-Short keypress: change input methods
-Long keypress: access the Symbols table
From main screen
-Short keypress: #
-Long keypress: activate/deactivate the vibrator
In edit mode:
-Short keypress: (space)
-Long keypress: add a word
3 LED keys (3):
- Call: Flashing while incoming calls/missed calls
- Message: Flashing while incoming messages/unread messages
- My Favorite: Flashing when incoming events (calls, messages) are from My Favorite contact.
1.2Main screen icons (1)
Battery charge level.
Vibration alert: your phone vibrates, but neither rings nor beeps except for the alarms (see page 64).
Bluetooth is active.
Bluetooth connected to an audio device.
Headset connected.
Call forwarding activated: your calls are forwarded (see page 31).
Alarm clock programmed (see page 50).
Voicemail message arrived.
FM radio is on.
Unanswered calls.
WAP alerts (2).
Line switching (2): indicates the selected line.
GPRS active connection status (Blue - Activated).
Shown only in no ciphering mode while calling, sending/ receiving SMS.
(1)The icons and illustrations in this guide are provided for informational purposes only.
(2)Depending on your network operator.