Troubleshooting PIM-SM C-RP Advertisements
OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page 16-11
PIM: ----- PIM Header -----
PIM: Version = 2
PIM: Message Type = 8(Candidate-RP-Advertisement)
PIM: Reserved = 0
PIM: Checksum = 269d (correct)
PIM: Prefix count = 1
PIM: Priority = 0
PIM: Holdtime = 150 (in seconds)
PIM: *** Encoded-Unicast-RP-Address ***
PIM: Address family = 1 (IP (IP version 4))
PIM: Encoding type = 0
PIM: Unicast address = []
PIM: *** Encoded Group Address-1 ***
PIM: Address family = 1 (IP (IP version 4))
PIM: Encoding type = 0
PIM: Reserved = 0
PIM: Mask length = 32
PIM: Group multicast address = []
Debugging C-RP-Adv
The commands below should be issued on the BSR since the packets are directed to it, other possibility is
to use these commands on the originated C-RP in order to identify if the advertisement are really sent.
-> ip pimsm debug-type crp
-> ip pimsm debug-level 100
Debugging output on BSR:
tPimsm-: Recv. CRP-Adv (RP:,Prefix Cnt:1, Pri:0) from on vlan 1
tPimsm-: RP : : Prefix: Mask :
Information on the C-RP unicast address, number of count, priority and mcast group as well as on which
PIM interface the advertisement has been received can be seen on with this debug command.