page -14 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
protocol Specifies a protocol type to debug. Specify tcp to debug TCP packets;
specify udp to debug UPD packets; specify icmp to debug ICMP pack-
ets; specify igmp to debug IGMP packets; specify num to numerically
specify a protocol (e.g., 89); specify all to debug all protocol types.
show-broadcast Specifies whether or not to display broadcast packets. Specify on to
display broadcast packets on the screen or in the log; specify off if you
do not want to display broadcast packets.
show-multicast Specifies whether or not to display multicast packets. Specify on to
display multicast packets on the screen or in the log; specify off if you
do not want to display multicast packets.
Platforms Supported
OmniSwitch 6624, 6648, 7700, 7800, 8800
Usage Guidelines
If you use the basic command to start debug (debug ip packet start) the switch will use default param-
eters for all of the debug options. Once you configure one of the optional parameters, the switch will
use the new parameter(s) until changed.
If you do not specify a timeout value, the session will continue until it is stopped.
You must enter the start keyword to begin debugging.
The command debug ip packet without the start keyword displays IP debug configuration parameters.
-> debug ip packet start timeout 1
Release History
Release 5.1; command was introduced.
parameter default
timeout -1
in | out | all all
header | text | all header
console | file console
cmm | ni | all | none all
arp | ip | hex | all all
tcp | udp | icmp | igmp | num | all all
on | off on
on | off on