Troubleshooting Source Learning Advanced Troubleshooting
OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page 3-5
Once, the MAC addresses are learned on the ports then the devices should be able to communicate
depending on the upper layers. Variations of MAC-related commands can be viewed in the “Managing
Source Learning” chapter from the appropriate OmniSwitch Network Configuration Guide.
Advanced Troubleshooting
The advanced troubleshooting for Source learning related problems is to look whether the traffic is
coming in from a port and the NI is not learning the MAC, if not prevented by using any other rules.
->debug ip packet board ni 8 start
R 8/23 00c04f12f71b->00d0957962c4 IP> ICMP 8,0
8 S 8/23 00d0957962c4->00c04f12f71b IP> ICMP 0,0
ebug ip 8 R 8/23 00c04f12f71b->00d0957962c4 IP> ICMP
8,0 seq=58716.
8 S 8/23 00d0957962c4->00c04f12f71b IP> ICMP 0,0
packet 8 R 8/23 00c04f12f71b->00d0957962c4 IP> ICMP 8,0
8 S 8/23 00d0957962c4->00c04f12f71b IP> ICMP 0,0
stop8 R 8/23 00c04f12f71b->00d0957962c4 IP> ICMP 8,0
8 S 8/23 00d0957962c4->00c04f12f71b IP> ICMP 0,0
->debug ip packet stop
This command shows that the packets are coming into the switch and a reply is being sent by the switch to
the end station.
Various combinations of debug ip packet command can be used to find out the incoming traffic. The
combinations possible are as follows:
debug ip packet [start] [timeout seconds] [stop] [direction {in | out | all}] [format {header | text | all}]
[output {screen | switchlog}] [board {cmm | ni [1-16] | all | none} [ether-type {arp | ip | hex [hex] |
all}] [ip-address ip_address] [ip-pair [ip1] [ip2]] [protocol {tcp | udp | icmp | igmp | num [integer] |
all}] [show-broadcast {on | off}] show-multicast {on | off}]
start Starts an IP packet debug session.
timeout Sets the duration of the debug session, in seconds. To specify a dura-
tion for the debug session, enter timeout, then enter the session length.
seconds The debug session length, in seconds.
stop Stops IP packet debug session.
direction in Debugs incoming packets
direction out Debugs outgoing packets.
direction all Debugs both incoming and outgoing packets.
format header Debugs the packet header.