Chapter 1: Setting Up
8 DM5 Reference Manual
Plug all of the triggers you will be using into the rear panel jacks. Since the triggers
are interactive, the DM5 needs to “see” all of the signals simultaneously. Therefore,
you should make sure that all triggers are connected before you begin editing the
External Trigger parameters.
Use the table below as a guide for connecting your trigger inputs. The trigger default
note numbers correspond to these drum sounds. If you are using a Hi-Hat trigger, be
sure to connect its output to Trigger Input [1], as it is already assigned to note Bb1,
which is always the Open Hi-Hat sound (except in Drum Set 18; see below). By
connecting a footswitch, you can have the Hi-Hat trigger play a different note when
the footswitch is pressed (F#1, for example, which is the Closed Hi-Hat sound). For
more information about Footswitch Control, see page 22.
Trigger Note # Sounds Trigger Note # Sound
1 Bb1 46 Hi-Hat 7 Eb2 51 Ride Cymbal
2 C1 36 Bass Drum 8 C#2 49 Crash Cymbal 1
3 D1 38 Snare 9 A2 57 Crash Cymbal 2
4 C2 48 Tom 1 10 D3 62 Conga
5 A1 45 Tom 2 11 F3 65 Hi Timbale
6 F1 41 Tom 3 12 G3 67 Hi Agogo
Note: Drum Set 18 uses a different set of default note numbers. The trigger default
note numbers for all pre set drum sets can be found in the DM5 Factory Drum Set
Reference Chart.
For more information about setting up the External Trigger parameters in the DM5,
see pages 18 through 22, and Chapter 6.