38 PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
2. (Response) The following are field parameters for output miles. The City Pair response returns an output to the host application that contains city names and ZIP codes along with miles, cost and time estimates. The CP response is always returned first for all three request types (MI, SM, and HS).
Var Name Len Value Description
Extended Format
RESP-TYPE 2 CP City pair returned o utput
RESP-REF 10 Output Queue Name
(ALK usesQ + the job number)
Request Options 13-22
RESP-NET 1 Pos 1) S=Shortest
T=Toll Discouraged/Practical
5=53 Trailer/Practical
B=Toll Discouraged/Practical
C=National Network/Practical
D=53 Foot Trailer/Practical
E=Toll Discouraged/National
F=Toll Discouraged/53 Foot
G=Toll Discouraged/Shortest
H=National Network/Shortest
I=53 Foot Trailer/Shortest
J=Toll Discouraged/National
K=Toll Discouraged/53 Foot
Trailer/ Shortest
RESP-MIL-TYPE 1 Pos 2) M or K for miles or kilometers
RESP-OPTION 1 Pos 3) R = resequence stops
H = hub leg miles
F = resequence stops fixed destination
blank = otherwise
RESP-MORE 1 Pos 4) M = more data to follow
Pos 5) Reserved by DR request
1 Pos 6) E=Extended Format
RESP-REGION 1 Pos 7) A=Asia,E=Europe,F=Africa,N=North
America,O=Oceania,S=South America
RESP-Custom Routing 1 Pos 8) C=Custom, blank=default
RESP-Ovrd Restrictions 1 Pos 9) Y=Override Restrictions or L=Light
N=Obey Restrictions or H=Heavy
RESP-Hazmat 1 Pos 10) G = General Restriction
E = Explosive Restriction
I = Inhalant Restriction
R = Radioactive Restriction
RESP-SEQ 4 Sequence for multiple respo nses
RESP-ERR 2 Error Code
E1 First state not found
E2 First city no t found
E3 Second state not found