Installation & Safety Guide 11
5. Configure online help.
Before using online help, you must configure the help file by using the
set help=<filename>.hlp
Help files have an HLP extension. To see a list of help files loaded on your
switch, use the command:
show files=*.hlp
6. Configure the switch.
Refer to the Software Reference for more information about configuring
the software. Alternatively, if you do not know the command syntax, use
any of the following to help you:
To display a list of help topics, use the help command.
To display help on a specific topic, use the help <topic> command.
To display a list of valid options, type a question mark or press the Tab
key at the end of a partial command.
To complete a parameter after you have typed enough letters to
uniquely match the desired one, press the Tab key.
7. Save the configuration.
Save your configuration to a new file by using the command:
create config=<filename>.cfg
Then set the switch to load this file when it restarts by using the command:
set config=<filename>.cfg
For information about configuring the software, see the AT-8600 Ser ies Software
Using the GUI to configure the AT-8624T/2M switch
This section describes how to establish a connection to the AT-8624T/2M switch
through the GUI so you can configure it before installing it in your LAN.
1. Select a PC to use and identify its subnet.
You can browse to the switch from any PC that is running a supported
operating system with a supported browser installed. JavaScript must be
enabled. If you are using a toolbar or plug-in on your browser to block pop-
ups, disable it while using the GUI. The GUI displays detailed configuration
options and information in pop-up windows.