Chapter 17: Basic Switch Parameters
206 Section II: Web Browser Interface
Configuring an IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway Address
This procedure explains how to change the IP address, subnet mask, and
gateway address of the switch. Before performing the procedure, note the
An IP address and subnet mask are not required for normal network
operations of the switch. Values for these parameters are only required
if you want to remotely manage the device using the web browser
A gateway address is only required if you want to remotely manage
the device from a remote management station that is separated from
the switch by a router.
To configure the switch to automatically obtain its IP configuration from
a DHCP server on your network, go to “Enabling and Disabling the
DHCP Client” on page 208.
You must use the menus interface to manually assign an IP address to
the switch, as described in “Configuring an IP Address, Subnet Mask
and Gateway Address” on page 206.
To change the switch’s IP configuration, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Basic Config menu, select IP Config.
The IP Configuration page is shown in Figure 58.
Figure 58. IP Configuration Page
2. Change the IP configuration parameters by entering new information
in the fields:
System MAC Address
This parameter displays the MAC address of the switch. You cannot
change this parameter.
System IP Address
Enter the IP address for the switch.