Chapter 11: Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
162 Section II: Menus Interface
The RSTP Advanced Port Configuration menu is shown in Figure 43.
Figure 44. RSTP Advanced Port Configuration Menu
4. Type E to select Edge Status.
The following prompt is displayed:
The following prompt is displayed:
Select port number to be changed>
Port number is in range from 1 to 9, 0 to set all ports
5. Enter the number of the port you want to change, or type 0 (zero) to
apply the settings to all ports on the switch.
The following prompt is displayed:
Set edge port for port
This parameter defines whether the port is functioning as an edge port.
The possible settings are True and False. For an explanation of this
parameter, refer to “Point-to-Point and Edge Ports” on page149.
6. Enter T for True or F for False to change the Admin/OperEdge status.
7. Type P to select P-to-P Status.
AT-9000/24 Local Management System
Rapid Spanning Tree Configuration -> RSTP Advanced Port Configuration
Port Trunk Link State Role Admin/OperEdge Admin/OperPtoP Migrat
---- ----- ---- ---------- --------- -------------- -------------- ------
1 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
2 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
3 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
4 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
5 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
6 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
7 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
8 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
9 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
10 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
11 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
12 --- Down Forwarding Disabled False/False Auto/False Init.
------------------------------- <COMMAND> ---------------------------------
[N]ext Page Set Port P-[t]o-P Status
[P]revious Page Restart Port [M]igration
Set Port [E]dge Status [Q]uit to previous menu