Operating Manual-4048A digital signal processor
5.3 Contact Closure Connector
There are no user controls on the 4048A, making it ideal for permanent installations where security is an issue. There may be times, however, where audio system adjustments must be made in response to real time acoustic changes, such as room size. For these types of changes, the 4048A offers the ability to recall up to eight different presets using contact closures. Contact closures are nothing more than external, user installed switches that, when closed, recall a previously defined preset which at once applies changes to the settings of all inputs and outputs. The switches can be anything from a rotary switch on a control room panel, to automatic door sensors located throughout a conference center, to a microphone key switch, etc. Contact closures allow for flexibility while maintaining a high degree of system security.
To use contact closure switching, up to eight presets
5.4 RS-232 Dataport
The 4048A has two parallel
5.5 AC Inlet and Power Switch
A detachable AC power cord is used on the 4048A. Since the internal universal power supply works from 80 to 260 VAC
D-Sub 9 Pin Female
RS-232 Pin-Out
5 4 3 2 1
9 8 7 6
Pin #
1Not Connected
2Transmitted Data
3 Received Data
4 Data Terminal Ready (tied to pin 6)
6Data Set Ready (tied to pin 4)
7 Not Connected
8 Not Connected
9 Not Connected