When making copies using a short image, it is only necessary for the CopyStation to write data to some of the memory blocks in the destination memory card. This leads to a speed advantage. However, if the destination card has already been used to store files, some of the unused and unwritten blocks may still contain old data. Although the old data will not appear as files in the file system (directory), in some cases the data can be analyzed using special software tools. This could present a security risk if the memory card was previously used to store sensitive information.
For short images too, the storage capacity of the master (source) memory card must be identical to the storage capacity of the destination cards (the cards onto which you want to copy).
Choose "Create Image" in the "Execute" menu. This opens the "Create Image Options" dialog box:
If you check the "Create short image" checkbox, the CopyStation software will create a normal image and a second image with the file extension ".img.short". Use the second image to create a short image job. When you specify the copy job in the Job Wizard, you must check the "Allow short image file" checkbox in the "Extended Settings" tab (see next chapter).
4.3 Creating a job
Choose "New Job" in the "File" menu to create a new copy job with the Job Wizard.
In the Job Wizard, clicking the "Select" button (see figure below) to select an image. Then choose the required image using the "Open" dialog box which is shown.
If you want to use a Short Image please be aware that ".img.short" files will not be shown in the Open dialog due to the standard settings that only shows *.img
files. Please select "Files of type: All Files (*.*)" to open the Short Image.
Check the "No. of copies" check box and enter the total number of copies you want to produce (see figure below). If you don't mark the "No. of copies" check box, an unlimit- ed amount of copies is produced until you cancel the copying process manually by loading a new job.
User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0 | 10 | 11 | User Guide FlashCard CopyStation III CF 1.0 |