Altinex CP7317RS READDp, READRp,b, UIDn, Binary Communication Protocol, BRxyy Binary Read command

Models: CP7317RS

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Read Digital status of a particular port. The feedback is in the following format [10011100] 1 is for high 0 is for low. The feedback provides status of all pins. Left most character is a bit pin number 1.

pPort number, this is an ASCII character from 1 to 4 that matches the port number on the back of the CP7317RS. The acceptable values are 1,2,3 or 4. Any other value will cause error as a feedback code.


Read Relay status of a particular relay on the relay ports. The feedback is in the following format [1] if relay is closed or [0] if relay is open.

pPort number. This is an ASCII character from 1 to 4 that matches the port number on the back of the CP7317RS. The acceptable values are 1,2,3 or 4. Any other value will cause error as a feedback code.

bRelay number. This number corresponds to the number on terminal block on the back of the CP7317RS from left to right. Valid range of numbers is from 1 to 8, inclusive. Any other numbers will cause error as a feedback code.


Read Relay status of all relays on the particular port. The feedback is that in the following format [10011100] 1 is for closed relay 0 is for open relay. The feedback provides status of all relays.

pPort number. This is an ASCII character from 1 to 4 that matches the port number on the back of the CP7317RS. The acceptable values are 1,2,3 or 4. Any other value will cause error as a feedback code.


Communicate with Unit ID number (n=0 to 9, A to Z, and a to z) Up to 62 units can be controlled together.

nUnit ID number. if n=0 then all units with different ID numbers will be disabled. Unit

will respond only to another [UIDn] command. If n=1 then all units will be enable regardless of their Unit ID number. Additional [UIDn] commands will enable units that have the corresponding UID number. [UIDn] command is additive. This means that as you issue additional UID commands, the corresponding CP7317RS units will become active on the line. To reset everything, issue [UID0] command followed by the required [UIDn] command.


In Binary Communication Protocol (BCP) there are basically two commands that control all of

the functions of CP7317RS Controller.


Binary Read command

x – I/O port /Memory in ASCII

yy- sub-register address in ASCII hex One Hex byte is returned for each [BRxyy] command, which contains data, and followed by [OK]


hex byte


Binary Write command

x – I/O port / Memory number in ASCII

yy- sub-register address in ASCII hex dd - data to be written into sub-register yy in ASCII hex format


Memory registers:

There are 4 memories available in the CP7317RS. Three of these memories are dedicated to the operation of the CP7317RS and one is a general purpose memory for user applications. Each memory contains 256 locations each 8 bits long. That means that each memory can store up to 256 characters or 256 bytes of information.


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Altinex CP7317RS READDp, READRp,b, UIDn, Binary Communication Protocol, BRxyy Binary Read command, Register Definitions