Alto-Shaam 500-E/Deluxe O Pe Ra T Io N, ON/OFF Key, UP/DOWN Arrow Key, Enable/Disable Beeper

Models: 500-E/Deluxe

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Press the ON/OFF key onc e and the power indicator light will illumi nat e. Press and hold the ON/OFF key until the LED displa y turns off (at lea st thr ee seconds) and power indi cat or lig ht goes out .

UP/DOWN Arrow Key

ON/OFF Key The UP and DOWN arrow keys are used for a variety of setting s when selecting the holding temperature . If an arrow key is pressed and released, the display will show the current set temperature for two seconds. If an arrow key is held (at least eight seconds), the value will change at a rapid rate. If the arrow key is pressed and released in rapid successio n, the set temperature will change by increments of one degree .


A bee per sounds when an err or code is dis played .

To choose betw een beep er on and beep er off mod e,

the control must be off, then press and hold the DOWN

arrow key until either "ON" or "OFF " is shown in the LED disp lay. Release arrow key when desir ed mod e is displ ayed.


With the control off, to choos e between Fahrenheit and Celsius, press and hold the UP arrow key until either °F or °C is shown in LED dis play. Release key when desi red setting is displa yed.

The control has a four- digit LED displa y. When the disp lay is on, it will show curren t hold ing temp era - ture, as well as diagnostic infor mation.


The warmer controls can be locked so that no changes can be made to the set temperature.

To lock the display, press and hold the ON/OFF key and the Up Arrow key at the same time. The lock LED will illu- minate. When the lock LED is illuminated, additional pro- gramming will not be functional other than the key sequence required to unlock the panel.

To unlock the display, press and hold the ON/OFF key and the Down Arrow key at the same time. The lock LED will extinguish. The panel keys will resume normal function.

Bef ore Initial Use:

Clean appliance with a clean, damp cloth and mild soa p soluti on. Glass cleaner or distilled vineg ar can be used on any glass. Clean and install the pans , shel ves and side racks.

reheat at 200°F (93°C ) for 30 minutes. 1. Press the ON key, and set the temperature to

200°F (93°) by using the UP/DOWN arrow keys. Allow a minimum of 30 minutes preheat ing tim e before loading the holding cabinet with food.

Closing the vents on the insi de of the door will speed the pre heating proc ess . The LED hea t indic ator light will go “Out” after approxi mately 30 minut es prehe at time, or when the air tempera- ture insi de the unit reaches the tempe rature set by the ope rator. The Set indi cator wil l light up any- time the temperature is set or rese t.

2.Load wit h hot food only .

The purpos e of the holdi g cabinet is to mainta in hot food at pro per serving temper ature. Only hot food shoul d be placed into the cabinet. Befor e loading the cabine t with food, use a food the r- momete r to make certain all pro duc ts are at an inte rna l tempe rature range of 140° to 160°F

(60° to 71°C). Any food pro duc t not within the proper tempe ratur e range should be heated before loading int o the holding cabinet .

3. Reset the con trol to 160°F (71°C) .


Check to make cer tain the cabinet doo r is secure ly

closed, and reset to 160°F (71 °C) by usin g the


BE THE FINAL SET TING. The prope r tempe rat ure

range-- or clos ing or opening the door vents- -will

depen d on the type and quan tity of pro duc t.

When holdi ng food for pro longe d per iod s,

it is

advi sable to periodi cally che ck the interna l


tempera ture of each item with a food therm ometer to assure maint ena nce of the proper temperat ure range of 140° to 160°F (60° to 71°C) .

Opera ti on a n d C are M a nu a l • 8.

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Alto-Shaam 500-E/Deluxe manual O Pe Ra T Io N, ON/OFF Key, UP/DOWN Arrow Key, Enable/Disable Beeper, F/C Fahrenheit/Celsius