1-3 Performance List
The following performance data list is the testing result of some popular benchmark testing programs. These data are just referred by users, and there is no responsibility for different testing data values gotten by users (the different Hardware & Software configuration will result in different benchmark testing results.)
Performance Test Report
CPU: | Athlon 5000+ |
| ||
DRAM: | SamSun 667MHz 1*2 |
| ||
VGA Card: | onboard |
| ||
Hard Disk Driver: Seagate160GB SATA |
| |||
BIOS: | T01 |
OS: | Windows XP Professional (SERVICE PACK 2) | |||
| AMD 790GX |
3D Mark 2001SE |
| 10814 |
3D Mark 2003 |
| 3589 |
3D Mark 2005 |
| 2797 |
| 4146 |
PCMark2004 |
System / CPU / Memory |
| 4283/5232/3281 | |
Graph / HDD |
| 2029/4977 |
Content Creation Winstone 2004 |
| 37.4 | ||
Business Winstone 2004 |
| 28.3 | |
Winbench 99 V2.0: |
| 20070023 | |||
| N/A | |||
SYSMark 2004: SISMark Rating(Internet | Content Creation / Office Productivity ) | |||
SYSMark 2004 |
| 332/194 |
3D Creation/2D Creation |
| 297/399 | |
Web publication |
| 309 |
Communication/Document Creation |
| 167/233 | ||
DATA Analysis |
| 188 |
SISOFT Sandra 2007 : 1.CPU Arithmetic | Benchmark 2.Memory bandwidth Benchmark 3.CPU | |||
| ||||
1. Dhrystone ALU |
| MIPS |
| 18856 |
Whetstone FPU iSSE3 | FLOPS |
| 15937 | |
2.Int/Float Buffered iSSE2 | MB/S |
| 6738/6691 | |
IT/S |
| 48962/53968 | ||
UT2003 Benchmark (flyby/botmatch) |
| 158.51/84.602921 | ||
Quake3 DEMO1 /DEMO2 | FPS |
| 334.4/332.8 | |
DOOM 3 |
| FPS |
| N/A |
Super Pi (1M) |
| Second |
| 36.2611 |
CPUZ System / CPU Clock |
| 26GHz |