Performance List
Performance List
The following performance data list is the testing results of some popular benchmark testing programs.
These data are just referred by users, and there is no responsibility for different testing data values gotten by users. (The different Hardware & Software configuration will result in different benchmark testing results.)
• CPU | AMD ThunderbirdTM 950MHz, AMD DuronTM 700MHz |
• DRAM | (256x1) MB SDRAM (HYUNDAI HYM71V733201) |
• CACHE SIZE | 256 KB included in Thunderbird |
| 64 KB included in Duron |
Onboard IDE (Quantum KA13600AT)
Windows NTTM 4.0 SPK6a
Display Driver at 1024 x 768 65536 colors 75Hz. TUCD 1.5 Beta3
| AMD | AMD DuronTM | |
Processor | ThunderbirdTM | ||
950MHz | 700MHz (100x7) | ||
| |||
| (100x9.5) |
| |
Winbench99 |
| |
| |
CPU mark 99 | 86.5 | 61.5 | |
| |
FPU Winmark 99 | 5210 | 3840 | |
Business Disk Winmark | 5410 | 5440 | |
99 |
| |
13600 | 13200 | ||
| |
Business Graphics | 481 | 352 | |
Winmark 99 |
| |
985 | 676 | ||
99 |
| |
Winstone99 |
| |
Business Winstone 99 | 47.3 | 40.3 | |
| 50.8 | 41.6 |
If you wish to maximize the performance of your system, please refer to the detail on P.43