©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - 19MXR Instruction Manual Page 10
access the buttons secondary comm and Load selected song to secondary Right deck.
ENCODER & PUSH ACTION - Turn the encoder to increase or decrease the sel ected action. Pushing
down on the encoder activates an action. See the navigation buttons for more info.
UP (MIDI) - This control will set focus on the Left deck F X unit. The Encoder will set the amount for Param-
eter 1 on the Left FX unit; the SHIFT BUTTON + the ENCODER will set the amount for Param eter 2; and
pushing the ENCODER will turn the FX on/off.
FWD (MIDI) - This control will set focus on the Song browser. The ENCODER will browse up/down the
song list.
DOWN (MIDI) - This control will set focus on the Right deck FX unit. Th e Encoder will set the amount for
Parameter 1 on the Right FX unit; the SHIFT BUTTON + the ENCODER will set the amount for Pa rameter 2;
and pushing the ENCODER will turn the FX on/off.
BACK (MIDI) - This control will set focus on the Folder browser. The ENCODER will scroll up and down
the Folder browser, pressing the ENCODER down will open or close Folders/Devices.
FI LTER - Push the Knob in to en able and disable the LPF/HPF lter. The LED indicator will glow when the
lter is On. The center position for the Filter is neutral so the signa l is will not be ltered. Turn the knob to
the left from the neutral position to set the low pass lter, this will cut off all frequ encies higher than the
amount set on the lter. Turn the knob to the right from the neutral position to set the high pass lter, this
will cut off all frequencies lower than the amount set on the lter.
NOTE: The Filter is assigned via the corresponding FADER ASSIGN KNOBS (15), i.e. Filter A is assigned
using Deck A FADER ASSIGN KNOB (15). The LED indicator will blink when the lter is enabled but the
FADER ASSIGN KNOB (15) is set to the Off position.
SHIFT (MIDI) - The button has 2 f unctions a soft and a hard shift. A soft shift is performed by toggling
the shift button, this will be indicated by a blinking shift LED. A har d shift is performed by holding down
the shift button and combining it with another button.
NOTE: When performing a hard shift, it’s recommended you release the secondar y button before releas-
ing the Shift button, this is to prevent MIDI latches unless the MIDI function is a temporary function.
6. CUE LEVEL VOLUME CONTROL - Thisknobisused toadjuststheheadphonevolume outputlevel.Turn
7. MASTER VOLUME CONTROL - Thisknobisusedtocontrolthemasteroutputlevel(mainvolume).Toavoid
distortedoutputtrytomaintainanaverageoutput signallevelnogreaterthan+4dB.(see ChannelGain2)To
8. BOOTH LEVEL - ThisknobisusedtoadjuststheBoothvolumeoutputlevel.Turntheknob inaclockwise
9. CONTROLLER MODE - This mixerhastwo operatingmode; Mixermode (default)andController mode.
ToactivateControllermode, holddown theControllerMode Buttonwhen poweringup beforethe VUmeter
MixerMode-ThismodewillroutetheUSBaudiostreamto2Mixerch annels,MIDILOG2and3bydefualt.
NOTE: Set your software audio routing to External mixer. Set Deck A to USB 1+2, Deck B to USB 3+4.
Set MIDILOG channels 2 and 3 to USB.
ControllerMode-ThismoderoutestheUSBaudiostreamstotheMXRmixersmasterandheadphone 
NOTE: Set your software audio routing to Headphones. Set the Master to USB 1+2 and the Headphones
to USB 3+4.
SAMPLER - VirtualDJhasabuiltinSampler.Samples1-3arestoredunderCuebuttons1-3locatedonthe