QUICK START: American Audio® would like to thank you for your purchase of this great audio product. For those of you that are too impatient to read the entire user manual we have compiled these quick start instructions. We hope that you will at least read through these instructions to familiarize yourself with the basics of this mixer. The Commander Plus™ is part of American Audio’s continuing evolution in audio technology. This unit has been built and designed to meet the needs of a typical DJ. We have attempted to provide you with the most reliable product on the market by using only components constructed of the finest material.
MASTER LEVEL - Use this level to control your main volume output. Try never to send an output of more than +4dB to your system. Signal at levels higher than this will start to distort and may cause damage to your system and speakers. Remember that a distorted signal from you mixer will only be multiplied throughout your system.
CHANNEL GAIN LEVEL - The channel gain levels are not to be used as volume controls. Never use the channel trim to set the output volume. These controls are used to aid in distortion control. Use these control to preset your signal level before the crossfader. With your channel faders in the maximum posi- tion, use the channel trim level to set an average output level of about +4dB on you master level meter.
HEADPHONES - To avoid damaging your headphones always be sure the headphone volume level (27) is set to minimum before plugging them in. To avoid sever hearing damage, never put the headphone on without making sure the headphone level is turned down.
MAIN MIC - The main mic connector uses a combo plug that allows you to connect either a 1/4” unbal- anced jack or by a standard
PHONO/AUX LINE LEVEL SELECTOR SWITCH (31) - This switch is used to change the selected input from phono to line and vice versa. The switch selectors are on the rear panel.
Every Commander Plus™ has been thoroughly tested and has been shipped in perfect operating con- dition. Carefully check the shipping carton for damage that may have occurred during shipping. If the carton appears to be damaged, carefully inspect your mixer for any damage and be sure all equipment necessary to operate the mixer has arrived intact. In the event damage has been found or parts are missing, please contact our toll free customer support number for further instructions. Please do not return the mixer to your dealer without first contacting customer support.
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