5. PITCH SLIDER - This slider is used to adjust the playback pitch percentage. The slider is a set
adjustment and will remain set until the pitch slider is moved or the pitch function has been turned
off. This adjustment can be made with or without a loaded SD card. The pitch adjustment will remain
even if a SD Card has been removed and will reflect on any SD card that is loaded into the player.
That is to say, if you set a +2% pitch on one SD card, remove that card and insert another, that card
too will have a +2% pitch. The amount of pitch being applied will be displayed in the lcD (3).
6. SD CARD SLOTS - These are the SD slots where you load your SD cards. One card per slot. It
cannot read an SD Card higher then 4GB. It cannnot read or accept a SDHC Card, it must be a
regular SD Card. The file format is Mp3 only. Please see page 8 for more SD Card info.
7. SD CARD SELECT BUTTON - This button lets you toggle between SD Card slot 1 and SD Card
slot 2. This lets you choose which SD card will play on either side. The LED's will verify which slot is
active. Red LED signifies slot 1, green LED signifies slot 2.
8. TIME MODE - The TIME button will switch the time value described in the time meter between
ELAPSED PLAYING TIME, and TRACK REMAINING TIME. This button will also allow you to enter the
9. TAP/BPM BUTTON - This button is used to override and manually set a tracks BPM. Occasionally
the built-in BPM meter may not function as desired. This button allows you to override the internal
beat clock and manually set a tracks BPMs. To manually set the BPMs; tap this button a few times
to a tracks heavy down beat, the unit will automatically calculate your tapping and translate it into a
tracks BPMs. The BPM READOUT is then displayed in the lcD (3). To return to the automatic BPM
counter, press and hold down the tap/Bpm Button for at least 2 seconds and then release.
Turning this knob will let you search either folders and tracks. The track and folder will be shown in
the LCD. Turn the knob to scroll backward and forward through tracks and folders. Pushing this knob,
you can see the track menu, i.e. Artist, Track Title, Genre, and Track Bit Rate.
11. FOLDER BUTTON - The Folder button has two function. The button is used to toggle the track/
folDer Search knoB (10) between track and folder search. The Folder LED will glow when your in
Folder search. The button is also used to record your desired music to the system memory for DEMO
play. Please see DEMO on pages 20 and 22.
IN BUTTON - “CUE ON THE FLY” - This function allows you to set a CUE POINT (see CUE POINT
page 16) without music interruption (“on the fly”). This button also sets the starting point of a seam-
less loop (see SEAMLESS LOOP on page 17).
OUT BUTTON - This button is used to set the ending point of a loop. A loop is started by pressing
the in Button, pressing the OUT BUTTON set the loop ending point. The loop will continue to play
until the out Button is pressed once again.
RELOOP BUTTON - If a SEAMLESS LOOP has been made (see setting a SEAMLESS LOOP on page
17), but the SD Player is not actively in SEAMLESS LOOP mode (a loop is not playing), pressing the
RELOOP BUTTON will instantly reactivate the SEAMLESS LOOP mode. To exit loop, press the out
Button. LOOP and RELOOP will appear in the lcD DiSplay (3) when the RELOOP function is
13. POWER BUTTON - Press and hold this button for at least 2 seconds to power the unit on and
©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - SDJ-1™ Instruction Manual Page 10