14. PITCH PERCENTAGE SELECTOR- This button activates the pitch SliDer (5). Press and hold
this button for at least 2 seconds to activate the pitch SliDer (5). When the pitch SliDer (5) is
activated use this button to choose a pitch percentages of 4%, 8%, and 16%. See page 24 for more
(-) PITCH BEND BUTTON - The (-) pitch bend function creates a momentary “Slow Down” in the
song's BPM’s (Beats per minute) while it is playing. This will allow you to match the beats between
two playing track’s or other playing music source. Remember, this is a momentary function. When
you remove your finger from the pitch button, the BPM’s will automatically return to normal. Holding
down this button will decrease the pitch to whatever the pitch percentage Selector (14) is set
to. Use this function to slow to another playing music source. Be sure to notice that this function is a
momentary pitch adjustment, for a more precise adjustment use the pitch SliDer (5) to match the
BPM’s with another playing music source.
(+) PITCH BEND BUTTON - The (+) pitch bend function creates a momentary “BUMP” in the song's
BPM’s (Beats per minute) while it is playing. This will allow you to match the beats between two play-
ing song's or any other music source. Remember, this is a momentary function. When you remove
your finger from this button, the BPM’s will automatically return to normal. Holding down this button
will increase the pitch to whatever the pitch percentage Selector (14) is set to.
16. ADV. TRACK BUTTON - While either playing a track or in pause mode, press this button to
search for the next track you want to play. When you press this button you will enter ADV. TRACK
mode, the TRACK indicators will flash. You can use track/folDer knoB (10) to search for the
next track you want to play. Press the track/folDer knoB (10) once you found your desired track.
The LCD will display "Searching..." and then "FOUND" once the track is found. When the track that
is playing comes to an end press the track/folDer knoB (10) once more to play the track that
you searched for. Please see page 19 for complete instructions.
17. FRAME SEARCH BUTTONS - The search buttons will let you scan through a track, either back-
wards or forwards, frame by frame. If you hold either of the buttons down you will search faster
through the frames.
18. PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON - Each press of the play/pauSe Button (18) causes the operation to
change from play to pause or from pause to play. While in play mode the green LED will glow, and
while in pause mode the green LED will flash.
19. CUE - Pressing the CUE button during playback immediately pauses playback and returns the
track to the last set cue point (see setting a CUE POINT, page 16). The red CUE LED will glow when
the unit is in cue mode. The LED will also flash every time a new CUE POINT is set. The CUE button
can be held down to momentarily play the track. When you release the CUE button it instantly returns
to the CUE POINT. You can also tap the CUE button to create a BOP EFFECT.
20. JOG WHEEL - This wheel has two functions;
A. The wheel works as a pitch bend during Playback. Turning the wheel clockwise can increase the
pitch percentage up to 100%, and turning the wheel in the counter-clockwise direction can de-
crease the pitch percentage down to -100%. The pitch bend will be determined on how long
you turn the jog wheel continuously.
B. The jog wheel can also serve as frame search, when the search button is activated.
Note: the SEARCH BUTTONS will not search frame by frame when the is function is active. If
©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - SDJ-1™ Instruction Manual Page 11