4. Pressing the aDv. track Button (16) at
anytime, will cancel this function.
You can nd the desired track you would like to play during the playback/pause.
1. Press the aDv. track Button (16)
to enter advance track search mode. The
track inDicator (41) will ash in the
LCD. Turn the track knoB (10) to search
for your desired track within the current
folder. NOTE: If your desired track is in
another folder you must rst locate/
access that folder before activating the
adv. track search.
2. Press the track knoB (10) to select your
desired track, ”SEARCH” will now be dis-
played in the LCD.
3. When ”FOUND” is displayed in LCD,
press the track knoB (10) again to play
your selected track.
Figure 18
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - SDJ-1™ Instruction Manual Page 19