Installing the AMX USBLAN Software Driver
9. Once the driver installation begins it may encounter cases where a previous version of some files
already exist. This can occur if you have previously installed the latest release versions of NetLinx
Studio v2.3 and TPDesign4 v2.4.
If you are prompted to replace AXBLAN. SYS select Yes (FIG. 7).
10. Once the driver installation begins it may encounter cases where a previous version of some files
already exist. This can occur if you have previously installed the latest release versions of NetLinx
Studio v2.3 and TPDesign4 v2.4.
If you are prompted to replace AXFILT. SYS select Yes (FIG. 8).
FIG. 7 Replace AXBLAN. SYS
FIG. 8 Replace AXFILT. SYS