CSG SIP Communications Gateway
To configure the voice mail for an extension, select the extension from the available list on the left side of the page. Establish the voice mail settings for the extension, as appropriate. When you are finished, click Accept to save the Voice Mail configuration. The following table lists the options on the Conference Voice Mail Configuration page:The Voice Mail Configuration page also enables you to establish or edit your STMP settings. Click SMTP Settings to open the Voice Menus Configuration page (see FIG.20).

Voice Mail Configuration Options

Option Description
Extension for
This field displays the number of the selected extension. You can
assign a different extension number by entering a new number.
Attach recordings
to e-mail
This option enables you to toggle whether the voice mail
message can be attached as a sound file to an e-mail notification.
Max greeting
With this option, you stipulate the maximum amount of time
available for your employees to record their voice mail greeting.
Dial "0" for
Callers who are sent to voice mail can press "0" for the operator
and be transferred either during the voice mail salutation or after
recording the message. Without this option, if a caller presses "0",
it will be ignored.
Message Format This option enables you to choose the default format for recording
all voice mails. You can choose from WAV (GSM), WAV (16-bit),
and RAW GSM.
messages (per
This option enables you to set the maximum number of
messages per voice mail box.
Max message
This option enables you to set the maximum duration of a
message left by a caller.
Min message
This option enables you to set the minimum duration of a
message left by a caller. Any message left that is under the listed
duration is discarded and is not processed or retrievable.
Send messages
by e-mail only
This option enables you to choose to have voice mail sent to your
e-mail address.
Say message
This option reads the caller ID before playing the voice mail
Say message
This option identifies exactly how long the message lasted.
Play envelope The envelope provides the date, time, and caller ID related to a
voice mail.
Allow users to
This option provides incoming callers the option to review their
message before it is saved and can be played back by the owner
of the voice mail extension. Standard options are presented to
you, enabling you to discard the message or re-record it if you are
not happy with it.