118 MVP-5100/5150 Modero Viewpoint Touch Panels
"^" Button Commands (Cont.)
^BMISet the button
mask image.
Mask image is used to crop a borderless button to a non-square shape. This is typically
used with a bitmap.
"'^BMI-<vt addr range>,<button states range>,<mask image>'"
Variab le :
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
button states range = 1 - 256 for multi-state buttons (0 = All states, for General buttons
1 = Off state and 2 = On state).
mask image = Graphic file used.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^BMI-530,1&2,newMac.png'"
Sets the button with variable text 530 ON/OFF state mask image to 'newmac.png'.
^BMLSet the maximum
length of the text
area button.
If this value is set to zero (0), the text area has no max length. The maximum length avail-
able is 2000. This is only for a Text area input button and not for a Text area input masking
"'^BML-<vt addr range>,<max length>'"
Variab le :
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
max length = 2000 (0=no max length).
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^BML-500,20'"
Sets the maximum length of the text area input button to 20 characters.
^BMPAssign a picture to
those buttons with
a defined address
"'^BMP-<vt addr range>,<button states range>,<name of bitmap/
Variab le :
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
button states range = 1 - 256 for multi-state buttons (0 = All states, for General buttons
1 = Off state and 2 = On state).
name of bitmap/picture = 1 - 50 ASCII characters.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^BMP-500.504&510.515,1,bitmap.png'"
Sets the OFF state picture for the buttons with variable text ranges of 500-504 & 510-515.
^BNCClear current
Take No t e
"'^BNC-<vt addr range>,<command value>'"
Variab le :
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
command value = (0= clear, 1= clear all).
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^BNC-973,0'"
Clears the annotation of the TakeNote button with variable text 973.