Setup Pages
46 MVP-5100/5150 Modero Viewpoint Touch Panels
Setup Page (Cont.)
Connection Status: Displays whether the panel has external communication, as well as the
encryption status of the Master, the connection type (Ethernet or USB), and to
which System the panel is connected.
• Until a connection is established, the message displayed is: “Attempting via
Ethernet” or "Attempting via USB".
• When a connection is established, the message displayed is either: “Connected
via Ethernet “or “Connected via USB “.
• The word “Encrypted” appears when an encrypted connection is established with
a NetLinx Master.
Note: The panel must be rebooted before incorporating any panel communication
changes and to detect Ethernet connections.
Display Timeout: Indicates the length of time that the panel can remain idle before activating Asleep
mode, causing the device to power down.
• Press the Up/Down buttons to increase/decrease the Display Timeout setting in
5-second increments. Range = 0 seconds to 2 hours.
• Set the timeout value to 0 to disable Sleep mode.
Note: Small timeout values maximize the life of the battery charge.
Disable Timeout on External Power: Pressing this button prevents the panel
from entering Sleep mode and powering down if it is connected to an external
power source, such as a Table or Wall-Mounted Docking Station.
Inactivity Page Flip
Indicates the length of time that the panel can remain idle before automatically
flipping to a pre-selected page.
• Press the Up/Down buttons to increase/decrease the Inactivity Page Flip
Timeout setting. Range = 0 - 240 (minutes).
• Set the timeout value to 0 to disable Inactivity Page Flip mode.
Note: The touch panel page used for the Inactivity page flip is named within a
small Inactivity Page field below the buttons.
Panel Brightness: Sets the display brightness levels of the panel.
• Press the Brightness Up/Down buttons to adjust the brightness level.
Range = 0 - 100.
NOTE: Be careful not to turn down the brightness too low to be able to see the
Setup page.