Configuring Communication
MVP-5100/5150 Modero Viewpoint Touch Panels
4. Select a desired Access Point by touching the corresponding row. The up arrow and down arrow
will be grayed out if ten or fewer access points are detected. If more are detected, then they will be
enabled as appropriate so that the user can scroll through the list.
5. With the desired WAP selected and highlighted, click the Connect button to be directed to the
selected security mode’s Settings page with the SSID field filled in. From there, either Cancel the
operation or fill in any necessary information fields and then click Save.
Selecting an Open, WEP, and WPA-PSK Access Point and then clicking Connect will open the
corresponding Settings page. For any other security mode, clicking Connect will only return to the
previous page without any information being entered.
In an Open security mode, after selection and connection to a target WAP, the SSID name of
the selected WAP is saved for the open security mode.
In a Static WEP security mode, after selection and connection to a WEP Access Point, the user
is then redirected back to the Static WEP security screen, where the SSID field is already filled
out. The user is only required to enter in the remaining WEP key settings.
A similar process occurs for WPA-PSK access points. For any other situation, the security
mode switches back to the previous page and security and connection parameters must be
entered in as usual.
Step 2: Configure the Card’s Wireless Security SettingsThe second step in setting up the wireless card is to configure the Wireless Settings section of the
Wireless Settings page. This section configures both the communication and security parameters from
the internal wireless card to the WAP. The procedures outlined within the following sections for an
802.11g card facilitate a common security configuration to a target WAP.
Refer to the Appendix B: Wireless Technology section on page 156 for more information on other
security methods.
After setting up the wireless card parameters, configure the communication parameters for the target
Master; see Step 3: Choose a Master Connection Mode section on page 33.
Configuring the device’s wireless card for unsecured access to a WEP
In the Protected Setup page:
1. Press the Wireless Settings button (located on the lower-left) to open the Wireless Settings page
(FIG. 17).
2. Enter the SSID information by:
Automatically filling it by pressing the Site Survey button. From the Site Survey page,
choosing an Open WAP from within the Site Survey page and then pressing the Connect
button at the bottom of the page (FIG. 18).
Manually entering the SSID information into the appropriate fields by following steps 7
through 9.
3. From within the Wireless Security section, press the Open (Clear Text) button to open the Open
(Clear Text) Settings dialog (FIG. 19). An Open security method does not utilize any encryption
methodology, but does require that an alpha-numeric SSID be entered. This method sends out
network packets as unencrypted text.
4. Press the red SSID field to display an on-screen Network Name (SSID) keyboard.
If the panel detects more than 10 WAPs, the Up/Down arrows at the far right side of
the page become active (blue) and allow the user to scroll through the list of entries.