Program Port Commands
The Program port commands listed in the following table can be sent directly to the Master Card using a terminal program (i.e. Telnet). Be sure that your PC's COM port and terminal program's communication settings match those in the table below:
PC COM Port Communication Settings
Baud | 38400 (default) |
Parity | None |
Data Bits | 8 |
Stop Bits | 1 |
Flow Control | None |
In your terminal program, type "Help" or a question mark ("?") and <Enter> to display the Program port commands listed in the following table.
Program Port Commands
Command | Description |
DATE | Displays the current date and day of the week. |
DEVICE STATUS <D:P:S> | Displays a list of all active (on) channels for the specified D:P:S. Enter |
| DEVICE STATUS without the D:P:S variable, the Master Card displays |
| ports, channels, and version information. |
DNS LIST <D:P:S> | Displays: |
| • Domain suffix |
| • Configured DNS IP Information |
DOC FREE | Displays the total bytes of free space available on the Master Card's Disk |
| on Chip. |
ECHO OFF | Disables terminal character's echo (display) function. |
ECHO ON | Enables terminal character's echo (display) function. |
GET IP <D:P:S> | Displays the Master Card's D:P:S, Host Name, Type (DHCP or Static), IP |
| Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP, and MAC Address. |
MEM | Displays the largest free block of Master Card memory. |
MSG OFF | MSG OFF disables the MSG ON display (see below). |
MSG ON | MSG On sets the terminal program to display all messages generated by |
| the Master Card. |
OFF | Turns off a channel on a device. The device can be on any system the |
| master you are connected to can reach. You can specify the device num- |
| ber, port, and system, or the name of the device that is defined in the |
| DEFINE_DEVICE section of the program. |
ON | Turns on a channel on a device. The device can be on any system the |
| master you are connected to can reach. You can specify the device num- |
| ber, port, and system, or the name of the device that is defined in the |
| DEFINE_DEVICE section of the program. |
PASS | Sets up a pass through mode to a device. In pass through mode, any |
| string received by the device is displayed on the screen, and anything |
| typed is sent as a string to the device. The device can be on any system |
| the master you are connected to can reach. You can specify the device |
| number, port, and system, or the name of the device that is defined in the |
| DEFINE_DEVICE section of the program. |
| See ESC Pass Codes section on page 10 for descriptions of the escape |
| codes available in pass mode. |
PING | Tests network connectivity to and confirms the presence of another net- |
| worked device. It operates just like the PING application in Windows or |
| Linux. |
8 | NXI NetLinx Integrated Controller |