2-6 Bluetooth EZ-Extender Manual
TWI Flash Address Configuration Jumper (JP1)
The TWI flash address configuration jumper (JP1) controls the base
address of the configuration flash memory. When multiple EZ-Extenders
are stacked on top of each other, it may be necessary to change the JP1 set-
ting to avoid any conflict with the configuration flash memory on another
EZ-Extender. The default is no jumper installed.
TWI Flash Write Protect Jumper (JP2)
The TWI flash write protect jumper (JP2) is not available; the jumper is
intended for internal Analog Devices test purposes only. The default is no
jumper installed.
Soft Reset Configuration Jumpers (JP3–4)
The software reset configuration jumpers (JP3—4) determine which GPIO
signal is used to perform a soft reset of the Bluegiga WT12 Bluetooth
module. The default is no jumpers installed.
Bluetooth Module Default Configuration Jumper
The Bluegiga WT12 Bluetooth module default configuration jumper
(JP5) resets the module’s settings to the default values. This feature
requires software support; refer to the example programs for more infor-
mation. The default is no jumper installed.
UART Receive Data Jumper (JP6)
The UART receive data jumper (JP6) is not available; the jumper is
intended for internal Analog Devices test purposes only. The default is no
jumper installed.