5 – Operation

ªªMIDI Dump (export) Page

The MIDI Preset Dump function allows you to archive one or more of your presets and/or your TA-1VP’s Setup Menu settings as a MIDI SysEx file that can then be reloaded into your TA-1VP at some later time. This function is also useful for organizing sets of presets, e.g., all of the presets used in a particular album project or set list.

Any MIDI sequencer, either hardware or computer-based, that is capable of recording and transmitting MIDI SysEx files can be used to store and reload TA-1VP presets.

In order to dump MIDI data, you must connect the

TA1VP’s MIDI Out to the MIDI Input of your sequencer or computer and ensure that the sequencer is set to receive on the MIDI channel selected in the MIDI Channel page described above.

Use the Data Knob to select exactly what to include in the SysEx file.

<Save> For MIDI Dump

All Presets + Setup

This selection saves all of the TA-1VP’s presets along with the Setup Menu data. When this file is loaded back into your TA-1VP, it will replace all of the TA-1VP’s presets and Setup data with the contents of the file.

<Save> For MIDI Dump

All Presets Only

This selection saves all of the TA-1VP’s presets. When this file is loaded back into your TA-1VP, it will replace all of the TA-1VP’s presets with the contents of the file, but will leave the current Setup data unchanged.

<Save> For MIDI Dump

Setup Data Only

This selection saves only the TA-1VP’s Setup data. When this file is loaded back into your TA-1VP, it will replace the current Setup data with the contents of the file, and will leave all presets unchanged.

<Save> For MIDI Dump ## Preset Name

This selection saves the single selected TA-1VP preset. When this file is loaded back into your TA-1VP, it will replace the preset currently at that numerical location with the contents of the file, but will leave all other presets and the current Setup data unchanged.

In any case, after pressing SAVE, the TA-1VP will begin transmitting the selected SysEx data and display the following screen:

Transmitting MIDI


When the transmission is complete, you will see the following for about 2 seconds:



ªªMIDI Receive Enable (import) Page

This page allows you to either enable or disable the TA1VP’s ability to receive MIDI SysEx messages.

Enable MIDI SysEx

Reception: NO

When NO(default setting) is selected, the TA-1VP will ignore all MIDI SysEx messages. When Yesis selected, the TA-1VP will respond to any valid TA-1VP SysEx files created with the MIDI Preset Dump function described above.

To restore a previously saved file, select Yeson the above page and ensure that the MIDI Out on your sequencer or computer is connected to the TA-1VP’s MIDI In.

On your MIDI sequencer, select the file that contains the Presets and/or Setup data you wish to load. Play that file into the TA-1VP.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Reloading one or more presets will permanently overwrite whatever presets are currently in the corresponding numerical locations. If you want to save those presets, either copy them to a location which will not be overwritten or save them as a MIDI SysEx file using the MIDI Preset Dump page described above.

While the TA-1VP is receiving and storing valid SysEx data, the following screen will be displayed:

Receiving and

storing MIDI Data

When the load is completed, you will see the following screen for about 2 seconds:



If the TA-1VP detects a problem with the received SysEx data, the following screen will be displayed:

Bad SysEx Data
