note and therefore pulls the phrase up to the correct pitch.
A NOTE ABOUT SCALE EDITS: While you remain in a preset, you can make edits to multiple scales and the
ªªSpeed Page
Pressing the SPEED button brings up this page:
Correction Speed (0 is fast): 7
The Speed control determines how rapidly pitch correction is applied to the incoming sound. Values range from 0 to 25. (The default setting is 7). A value of zero will cause instantaneous changes from one note to another and will completely suppress a vibrato and any purposeful expressive pitch variations (note that any related volume changes will remain). This will result in what has become known as the “Cher effect.”
Values from 6 to 10 are typical for vocals. Higher values allow more vibrato and other interpretative pitch gestures, but will slow down the rate at which pitch corrections are made.
Although the above suggestions can be used as starting points, finding the correct Speed setting for a particular performance is largely a matter of
ªªCorrection Meter
This meter indicates, in real time, the amount of pitch correction being applied to change the input pitch to the target pitch. The green LEDs indicate that the input is flat and that positive correction is being applied. Conversely, the yellow LEDs indicate that the input is sharp and that negative correction is required.
ªªAuto-Tune ON Button
When this button is lit, the
5 – Operation
ªªCompressor Page
Pressing the COMP button brings up this page:
This page allows you to set the main compressor parameters. Use the cursor buttons to move from field to field and the Data Knob to set each parameter. For ease in setting the threshold, this page includes a display of the incoming signal level and a graphic indication of the currently selected threshold. The threshold must be set below the signal peaks for any compression to occur.
Pressing the COMP button again while the Compressor Page is displayed will display the Gain Reduction Meter Page (see below). Continually pressing the COMP button will alternate between the two pages.
The ranges of the parameters are as follows: Threshold:
Makeup Gain: 0 dB - 36 dB (Default: 10 dB)
ªªCompressor Attack Page
Pressing the ATK button brings up this page:
Compressor Attack 40ms
The Attack Time control adjusts the speed with which the compressor responds to peaks in the input signal. The range of the control is from 1 milliseconds to 200 milliseconds. (The default setting is 7.)
While using the compressor and the
ªªCompressor Release Page
Pressing the REL button brings up this page:
Compressor Release 200 ms
The Release Time control sets the time it takes for the compressor’s gain to return to normal after the input level drops below the threshold. The range of the control is from 1 milliseconds to 200 milliseconds. (The default setting is 120 milliseconds.)